Welcome to the online Manure Applicator Certification (MAC) Program.

The MAC program is a mandatory program based on state law that requires all commercial manure applicators and confinement site manure applicators with more than 500 animal units in confinement to be certified to handle, transport, or land-apply manure. Passing an examination or attending annual training can attain certification. Please keep in mind that education can only be used during the year it is taken, for instance, you cannot use education taken in 2022 to renew a certification in 2023.

Once you have completed the course requirements, you will be instructed on how to pay for certification and how to print off your certification.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach works in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to provide the required training.


  1. Select which type of certification you would like to complete: Commercial, Confinement Site, or Dry Manure (descriptions are listed in with the course).
  2. Click "Enroll Me" to access course materials.
  3. Once you are enrolled, you will see course topics.
  4. Under each topic is a yellow box(es); click to view the required video module. Each module is approximately 15 minutes.
  • Each video segment will run continuously with activities at the end of each module.
  • If you need to stop or replay a certain section, please do so.
  • You may stop at any time and return at a later date.

Technology Requirements:

  • Regular, reliable Internet access
  • An internet capable device made in the last 3 – 4 years
  • A compatible web browser
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader